

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sat, 23 Dec 2023 17:00:00 GMT+08


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    亲爱的小伙伴们,圣诞节快到啦,你是否渴望在平安夜前夕,和家人一起度过一个温馨又充满创意的时光呢?那就赶快加入Urbanites和FUI SPACE联合举办的DIY英文手作派对吧!

    Dear buddies, Christmas is just around the corner! Are you eager to spend a warm and creative time with your family on Christmas Eve? Then quickly join the DIY English Handcraft Party co-hosted by Urbanites and FUI SPACE!


    活动亮点 Activity Highlights





    Not only for tasting but also for playing! Craft adorable gingerbread men together, our little bakers will surely make them perfect in appearance, aroma, and taste!     

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    Get hands-on with creating unique Christmas wreaths, adorned with a spectrum of colors, welcoming the Christmas of 2023!

    截屏2023-12-14 下午3.00.05.png


    Immerse yourself in an immersive English environment, where you can craft with families from different cultural backgrounds and make friends while speaking English!


    We've also prepared delicious mulled wine as a gift, aromatic and delightful, a perfect beverage for celebrating the holidays with family! Limited spots available, hurry up and sign up for this wonderful experience!           


    About《Urban Family》和 Urbanites


    截屏2023-12-11 下午7.13.30.png



    《Urban Family》是一家双语家庭媒体品牌,由HK Focus Media于2010年推出,服务外籍和本地家庭,为其提供中国城市生活中多元文化资讯。“Urbanites”是《Urban Family》推出的多元文化体验营品牌,致力于促进跨文化交流,旨在提供超越国界的沉浸式体验。

    *Urban Family* is a bilingual family media brand launched by HK Focus Media in 2010, serving expatriate and local families by providing multicultural information about urban life in China. "Urbanites" is a multicultural experience camp brand introduced by *Urban Family*, dedicated to promoting cross-cultural communication and offering immersive experiences beyond borders.


    By simulating various daily life scenarios, participants will use authentic English expressions in everyday situations, enhancing their practical English communication skills. Additionally, "Urbanites" will offer more professional experience activities, immersing members in specific professional settings such as hospitals, newsrooms, and courtrooms to experience a variety of English language contexts.

    About FUI SPACE


    日本建筑师安藤忠雄所思考的过去、未来和现在,也正是FUI SPACE从设计之初就开 始思考的问题。从MORDORF品牌建立的第一天起,我们就决定了要做一个属于自己 的艺术空间,来承载我们的设计美学和品牌主张。从定位到选址,再从设计到落地, FUI SPACE 最终在东山口这片历史文化土壤里,生根发芽生长。

    Tadao Ando's reflections on the past, present, and future align perfectly with the core essence that FUI SPACE has envisioned since its inception. When the MORDORF brand was established, the aspiration to craft an artistic space, embodying our design principles and brand ethos, became our guiding light. Every decision, from the initial conceptualization to site selection, and through the design and realization phases, was driven by a singular purpose - to establish FUI SPACE within the rich historical and cultural fabric of Dongshankou.

    位于东山口启明横马路11号的FUI SPACE原建筑,建于上个世纪二十年代,在这栋百年老房子里,我们沿着建筑原本的生长状态,把空间的过去、现在和未来通过一种可视的方式连接起来。

    The roots of FUI SPACE delve deep into the historical landscape of Dongshankou, finding home within a building that dates back to the 1920s. This century-old structure forms the canvas upon which we paint a visual narrative, seamlessly interweaving the past, present, and future. Upon entering FUI SPACE, the gracefully curved architectural forms, expansive white walls, and an almost otherworldly spatial ambiance cocoon visitors, offering an immediate detachment from the external world.

    走进FUI SPACE,弧形曲线的结构造型、大片的墙面留白、太空舱般的空间感,都会让身处空间内的朋友有一种瞬间与外界抽离的感觉。逐步深入,就能看到我们保留了原有的墙体肌理和通往二楼三楼的老楼梯,这些都是时间在建筑内部沉淀下的痕迹。

    As one traverses the space, the deliberate preservation of the original wall textures and the weathered staircase leading to the upper floors serve as poignant reminders of time's passage, encapsulated within the building itself. Our commitment to retaining these historical imprints ensures a harmonious coexistence between the vestiges of the past and the modern minimalist aesthetic we've infused into the space.

    通过保留原有的历史建筑结构, 并在其空间内构筑新的现代极简美学空间,新旧共生,随着时间共同生长,FUI SPACE也承载了全新的空间意义,一个链接历史与未来,大众社会与个体思维的空间交汇点。 

    By honoring the integrity of the historical building's structure while infusing it with a contemporary minimalist design, FUI SPACE bridges the chasm between antiquity and innovation. This symbiosis between tradition and modernity embodies a profound narrative, where the old and the new thrive in tandem, evolving gracefully alongside time. FUI SPACE emerges as a beacon of fresh spatial significance—a juncture that seamlessly connects history with the promise of the future, while also bridging the realms of mass society and individualistic contemplation.

    导师信息 Tutor Information



    Henry, Editorial Consultant at "That's" Magazine. With over 20 years of experience in international media group operations, he has successfully led project teams in operating more than thirty media projects or new media brands. Additionally, he has established a cross-cultural public relations business brand within the group. Henry has successfully initiated nearly ten business digital media projects, including the "That's" series of overseas and domestic social media accounts, apps, and other integrated media projects. Proficient in overall project planning and execution, he excels in innovation and adeptly leverages resources from various fields such as foreign affairs, cross-cultural matters, publishing, and media.


    活动流程 rundow

    2:00-2:30 签到,享用茶歇

    2:30-3:00 家庭自我介绍,破冰

    3:00-3:30 文化背景故事分享

    3:30-4:00 制作姜饼人

    4:00-4:30 制作圣诞花环

    4:30-5:00 分享活动留影  


    2:002:30  Check-in, enjoy tea break

    2:30-3:00 Family self-introduction, icebreaking

    3:00-3:30 Sharing cultural background stories

    3:30-4:00 Making gingerbread cookies

    4:00-4:30 Creating Christmas wreaths

    4:30-5:00 Sharing and capturing memories of the event


    活动信息 Event Details

    地点:FUI SPACE(启明横马路11号)

    时间:12月23日下午2:00 - 下午5:00 



    Location:FUI SPACE

    Date and Time:2:00 PM - 5:00 PM,December 23rd

    Activity Highlights:DIY gingerbread men, Christmas wreaths, and complimentary mulled wine.

    Number of Families: Recruiting 5-10 families


    现场价/At Door:188元(一组家庭, 两大一小/2 Adults and 1 kid.)含饮品、茶点等

    For extra adult/kid: 88元




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    Urbanites 是聚焦中国、外国、多元文化背景家庭,为家庭提供交流、研学、互动式的平台。 “Urbanite” 将打造沉浸式的英文交流环境,通过文化体验活动、讲座和互动交流等形式,让参与的家庭成员在轻松愉悦的氛围中使用英文沟通,营造一个全英文交流语境,激发孩子对英文使用和学习的兴趣。通过参与实际场景中的英文交流,成员将更自信地运用英语进行日常交流,甚至应用于工作、商务社交的场合。 “Urbanite”将开放更多职业体验活动,将成员引入医院、新闻编辑室、法庭等具体的职业场景中,学习并应用相关的专业术语,提升他们在特定领域的专业语言能力。“Urbanite”也会为有需求的家庭开放“商务场景”体验,通过实际场景,学员将学到国际商务社交礼仪,培养他们在商务社交中的自信和得体行为。

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